
Please feel free to get in touch with me. I’m also on



There could be a number of reasons why you would want to.

  • You’re interested in having me speak – physically or virtually – for your user group meeting, conference, seminar, corporate training or mentoring program. It could be a technical topic (SQL Server, PowerShell, SharePoint, Windows Failover Clustering, etc.) or a non-technical one (leadership, marketing, organizational development, presentation skills, etc. Even the fundamentals of music if you want me to.) I do maintain a blog about leadership, management, organizational development and marketing that you can refer to.
  • You want me to assist you in getting a specific SQL Server and/or SharePoint issue or problem resolved
  • You want me to provide SQL Server and SharePoint consulting services for your organization
  • You find my blog posts helpful and would like to use them as references for your materials
  • You’re looking for a coach and/or mentor as part of your professional growth plan.

Use the form below. I’d be very happy to hear from you