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Yesterday, I tweeted about giving away FREE access to my online course on Udemy (and, yes, it’s a birthday gift from me). If you’ve been following my blog post, you may already know that I’ve launched my very first learning experiment last week via the online course. I haven’t really promoted the course yet (aside from SQL Server MVP and MCM Brent Ozar mentioning it on his blog post) which is kind of unusual for me since I also write about topics on the subject.

When I was preparing for the course, I had two things in mind. First, I wanted the course to have an impact on both the ones taking it and those who matter to them. I had several assumptions of those who might be interested in taking it. They’re the ones who really do care about their personal growth – those who invest time and resources to learn about something new so that they can improve themselves. These are the folks reading books, blog posts, whitepapers, articles and even someone else’s code during their spare time. They attend conferences, user group meetings and events so long as their time and budget allow them to. They search the internet for free stuff when their budget doesn’t allow them to invest in additional resources and they regularly try out something new. They do this not only because they feel the personal satisfaction of improving and developing themselves but also because they want to spend more time on the things that really matter to them – family, friends, loved ones, etc. Second, I want the course to become a part of their career. They say “experience is the best teacher“. I say learned experience is. What good is knowledge if it isn’t applied. How many books have been collecting dust on the bookshelf, waiting for their turn to be opened and read by their owners? How many concepts learned have been applied? We don’t need more ideas. What we need is to apply the ideas and lessons that we’ve already learned.

And, that’s the story behind why I am giving away FREE access to my online course. I have made the first five lectures of the online course accessible to anyone who has access to the internet – no need to register to Udemy to access them. If you’ve found this blog post, it means you are a SQL Server professional who is serious about personal growth (and I’m pretty sure you’ve also seen the free lectures.) The first five lectures contain very important concepts in high availability and disaster recovery, things that we technology professionals don’t even think about sometimes. In fact, this is the foundation behind implementing effective high availability and disaster recovery solutions. Even non-SQL Server professionals will benefit from these free lectures.


In order to be one of the twelve lucky individuals who will receive FREE access to the full course, you must take the following actions:

  1. Leave a comment below. What are the TOP 3 ideas that you have taken away from the first five modules of the course? And how do you intend to apply those 3 ideas in your organization or your customers? Be creative. You’ll never know if those ideas end up being implemented – either by you or someone else.
  2. Fill out my Contact Form. Provide a valid email address that you check on a regular basis. You want to make sure that my email announcement doesn’t end up in your Spam folder.
  3. Share this this blog post via social media.  Use the #SQLHADRRocks hashtag on Twitter, share it on Facebook (I know Facebook now uses hashtags as well,) LinkedIn, Google+, Reddit, and anything else you can think of. Include at least one of the links in your comment below.

On Tuesday, 01-Oct-2013, I will be selecting twelve (12) lucky individuals based on my evaluation of their submission. If you have been selected, you will receive a personal email from me on 13-Oct-2013. If you didn’t receive any email from me, you can assume that your submission was not selected.

[UPDATE: 01-Oct-2013] I’ve received requests to extend the deadline to 07-Oct-2013 due to very tight schedules. So, you still have a week to go to take advantage of this. I guess I didn’t promote it well enough 🙂

[UPDATE: 08-Oct-2013] The winners have been chosen. Expect an email from me and enjoy FREE access to the online course.